
What are The Activities That Can Help Kids Perform Better in School?

What are The Activities That Can Help Kids Perform Better in School? Blog Cover

According to a dissertation published by Marquette University in the United States, Plato sees education as a means of achieving both individual and social justice.  Individual justice, according to Plato, can be obtained when everyone develops his or her ability to the fullest.  In this context, justice entails excellence. This means that people have been focusing on knowledge excellence for a long time. and the best way to assist your child with it is to begin early, and help them perform better in school and life as well.


How Parents could help kids perform better in school?

Many parents are concerned about how they can assist their children in performing better in school. Because many of us are already aware that a school is not the only place to foster education for children. At home, enjoyable activities and engaging interaction can also promote positive developmental outcomes. Simple activities such as reading children’s books together, singing, and playing with common household items can have a significant impact on what children can learn and do, as well as how they behave, believe, and interact with others.

As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. When parents and families get involved in their child’s educational needs, that leads the kids perform better in school. There are a number of ways parents can support and supplement a child’s learning process at home. Here are some simple home activities and ideas to get you started:

  • Arts and Crafts

    Let’s start with Arts and Craft. Home activities that are related to arts and crafts is not just a fun means of unleashing a child’s creativity. But it can also help with core skills and improve cognitive thinking greatly. Engaging in arts and crafts can improve bilateral coordination, which is the ability to use both sides of the brain. This amazing ability is enhanced by simple tasks that activate several parts of the brain. Activities like lacing yarn, threading beads, and playing with Play-Doh can help immensely. And, Art activities like painting and sketching can elevate a child’s focus and visual learning, which, in turn, helps in their memorization abilities.


  • Pet or passion project

    If your child has a special interest in a particular subject like science, art or language, you can challenge them with a pet or passion project. This project can be in any style and form. It can be something simple like writing a storybook to something like redecorating part of their room. This can be an excellent way to help your child develop the skills for what he/she wants to do in the future. Moreover, projects like this will teach kids independence and the importance of working hard for the final result.
    Similar to school projects, try and make the project a realistic one with a time limit. Set a deadline depending on the level of difficulty. Also, consider setting a reward for completion so that this gives your child that extra bit of motivation.


  • Yoga and Meditation

    Keeping kids entertained is a tough task, especially for kids with high energy levels. Just like for adults, an activity that is frequently recommended for both fitness and relaxation in kids is yoga. Yoga is a mix of meditations, physical postures, and breathing exercises that can help with emotional wellness. sleep and flexibility. Yoga also enhances physical capacity and balance, which can be useful for kids if they want to pursue sports.
    A study conducted has found that with yoga implemented daily, kids’ test scores have increased and the number of students sent to the office has decreased. So Yoga and Meditation can help in both physical and mental abilities.


  • Kitchen activities

    Allowing kids to help in cooking can actually aid in them learning new skills and imitating good behavior. Learning to follow recipes, for example, allows for a hands-on experience of core subjects like reading and comprehension. Measuring and observing the cause and effect of cooking methods will teach kids the concepts of math and science. Kids who experience food-based nutrition activities can really do well in school, especially in science and math. Whenever you’re in the kitchen, give your child easy and supervised kitchen activities like measuring and mixing together ingredients, and watching out for the cooking timer.
    Learning from home does not have to be only studying and homework. Simple, interactive, and creative activities like the ones mentioned above will allow you to bond with your child and well as encourage him or her to keep learning and discovering. and this indirectly help kids perform better in school. 


  • Reading

Last but not least, it’s reading. It’s a well-known fact that reading is vital to success in learning. Kids who develop a love for reading naturally develop a love for learning. Reading books not only helps kids build a rich vocabulary; it helps their brain learn how to process concepts and formal communications. Furthermore, those who read more experience an enhanced ability to do well in all subjects- including technical subjects like science and math.

The best way to develop good readers is to make reading fun and not frustrating. Create an environment of reading for kids. Let children pick their own books to read, whether it is storybooks or activity books for kids, help them read, read to them often, and create activities for them that make reading fun.

How can reading help your child?

Children’s imaginations are stimulated and their understanding of the world is expanded when books are read aloud to them. It assists them in developing language and listening skills, as well as preparing them to understand the written word. It also includes,

      • Familiarizing him or her with sounds, words, and language, as well as developing early literacy skills.
      • Learn to appreciate books and stories.
      • Help develop your child’s brain, ability to focus, concentration, social skills, and communication skills by sparking your child’s imagination and stimulating curiosity.
      • Assist your child in learning the distinction between ‘real’ and ‘fantasy’.
      • Assist your child in comprehending new or frightening events, as well as the strong emotions that accompany them.
      • Assist your child in learning about the world, their culture, and other cultures.


As a result, it is critical that you allow your child to read high-quality books. And that’s why, here at Kidsbook, we offer a wide range of high-quality books for children of all ages. Click here and Check out our unique books and help your child succeed in school and in life by providing them with high-quality books.

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